Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village
"In this unexpurgated edition of his award-winning autobiography, Samuel R. Delany beautifully, vividly, and insightfully calls up the 1960s era of exploration and adventure in the Lower East Side of New York City. He details his development as a black gay writer in an open marriage, with tertiary walk-ons by Bob Dylan, Stokely Carmichael, W. H. Auden, Stormé DeLarverie (Mary Davies), and James Baldwin. Winner of the 1989 Hugo Award for Non-fiction."
"A very moving, intensely fascinating literary biography from an extraordinary writer. Thoroughly admirable candor and luminous stylistic precision; the artist as a young man and a memorable picture of an age."
--William Gibson
"The prose of The Motion of Light in Water often has the shimmering beauty of the title itself. . . . This book is invaluable gay history."
--Inches Magazine
Hugo Award Winner